
Friday, June 2, 2023

June is Busting out All Over!

Well, in North Dakota "they" say, 
"Don't plant your garden before Memorial Day."
It's June 1st, so I guess I can plant....but the garden
is full of weeds, so I have to till with my little
push tiller (I am the motor). Started at 8:00 a.m.
I think it was already 80 degrees and humid, so I
was in the house by 9, cooling off.  Did that every 
hour and finally finished planting everything
by 3:30.  We left for the lake at 4:00.
(Some of those green patches are parsley;
most are weeds.)
We played in the 70s+ tournament on Friday evening
with two other couples. First, we played with the 
spouses of the others; then we played with our
own spouses against the other two couples. 
Scoring was individual points for each match.
Diane had highest points, Roger was second,
and Sharon was third.  One from each
couple, it turned out!
In addition to the Mixed Doubles tournament, 
Bob also played in the men's 70+.  He and his 
partner, Gene, played a hard-fought battle 
and ended up with the silver award.
Our "trophies" from the pickleball tournament! :-)
June 8th was the last day of school 
in Buffalo, MN. Cecelia (left) and Lydia
(right) will be at the Middle School next year;
Claire starts at the high school in 9th grade!!!
We headed to Killdeer on the 10th and
caught George at a happy moment!
Luke made his First Communion
on the 11th.
Grace, Kelly & Mary Kate, Luke, Jimmy & George,
Matthew, and Andrew all showed up for the brunch
in the church basement after church.
It was Corpus Christi Sunday, so we processed 
around the block after Benediction. Deacon Dan
(Kelly's dad) is the tall man in the center; Luke is
the fourth communicant behind his grampa.
We went back to the farm on Sunday
after brunch at the church.
On Monday, we met Tom in Pine River
to give him a 4-wheeler and a lawn mower
that we weren't using anymore.  His friend
from Cedar Rapids had a trailer, so they
could take the stuff back to Iowa on Tuesday.
We drove all the way back home on Monday,
and saw this sunset on the way! Got home at 10 p.m.
We went to the Bottineau County Fair on The 16th.
Dad got an axe-throwing lesson!
And, of course, we had to see
Daryl's Racing Pigs!
Grace was at the International Music Camp
from the 18th to the 24th. Jimmy, Kelly,
Mary Kate, and Luke drove up 
for the final concert on the 24th
to watch Grace play her trumpet in the band.
After the concert, we toured the Peace Garden
and took pictures of the flowers and the family.
This is the new dove monument.  



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