
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

July Begins on the 4th!

Rugby's parade featured patriotic horses,
Lyman's Clydesdales,
a "float-ing" Museum,
           an old "hearse," (local funeral director)
and an invitation to go "hog wild" for next year's fair.
Local police are making sure the crowd behaves
   especially Rick, our Lebanese "cousin"
  An old Rugby-Wolford fire truck still runs,
 and the sheriff is checking up on the police car.
The "Stars and Stripes" stole the show.

Windstorm last night broke a few branches
on our trees. I picked up four wagon loads!
RJ and Julia "Fishin' in the light"
(Do you know the song "Fishin' in the Dark?")
Luke, Mary Kate, and Spongebob
RJ and Julia make smores the "modern" way
Biking and hiking keep Claire, Lydia, and Cecelia active!
Finally got the garden weeded on July 9th...
everything is "late" since I planted late!
Bob's college roommate Jerry and Sue 
stopped by for a visit on the 11th. 
They live in Glenwood, MN.
We took a rock rake (that's Bob pulling it ahead of me)
and I pulled a header trailer out to Jimmy and Kelly 
in Killdeer this week and spent time with the kids (me)
and helping get stuff ready for harvest (Bob).
Our oldest and youngest grandchildren: Ariana is 16;
Mary Kate is almost two months old in this pic
that was taken the weekend she was baptized.
Quiet time with Mary Kate
Gee, she's cute. Should I kiss her?
Mary and her little lamb!
Yes, I did sing the song to her. :-)
RJ's prize fish!
Granddad is baiting the hook for Julia
Sara made masks for all "the girls"
This funnel cloud missed us!
Trina and Annika came with a U-Haul to take
Aunt Nell's bedroom furniture from my basement 
to Iowa.  Annika helped me make fatire after supper!
She also helped eat them! :-)
Trina loaded up Aunt Nell's bedroom set
and made it home safely after meeting
Ana and the girls for lunch at a park in MN.
She left Annika at Ana's for some cousin time.
Jett and Tom unloaded the dresser which
was headed for Annika's bedroom. I think
we all have a little bit of "Aunt Nell"
in our homes.
Flower bed west of the house....
Bob brought wildflower seeds from Texas!
Sara's FFA wheelbarrow blooms :-)
RJ and Julia had a "peachy" day
We could not go to RJ's
First Communion...
just immediate family
and Julia's "babies"
RJ's celebration was supposed to be
on April 26th, but it was rescheduled
for July 24th.