
Thursday, October 3, 2019

October...looks like December

 Woke up to this on Oct. 3rd...
Don't think we will be using our swimming pool
anytime soon! :-)
"Frosty" joined us this morning, too. 
He is happier than we are with the snow.
These ladies came for a lunch of crab apples.
One day later...poor "Frosty" :-(
Must've been a heck of a diet.
 I guess we had our own "Hooter."  He had been
hanging around the yard and seemed to wait
for someone to come out of the house.
 I think he was sick.  Bob said something
killed the owl last night (Monday, Oct. 7th).
Jimmy's hired man Carl came on Saturday,
and Bob took him to a UND hockey game. 
Ed joined us for breakfast after church on Sunday.
They had fun reminiscing about their trip to South Africa.
I was driving a truck out to a field and had
to stop at the end of our driveway to take this photo.
The first sign of winter? Guess which vehicle
is "undercover".
Well, we left home Friday morning, the 11th, and 
drove through heavy snow and a blizzard to get
to Grand Forks for the UND hockey games.  
The highway department closed all of the
highways in and out of Grand Forks after
we got there!
  Had a great weekend and
the team won both of their games.  This is the
traditional "salute" after a "sweep."

Back home on Sunday.  This poor robin forgot to head south.

Thirty Days Hath September....

Two-week trip to Cleveland for a 60-year
high school class reunion and a visit with family...
 Well, before I left for Cleveland, I dug up my potatoes.
I usually get one that looks like a duck, but this one is
 Temps were in the 80s and 90s and the
flowers were beautiful at Winton Place.
Cousins Chris & Tim, Susie & David,
Mary Anne, Leanne, Mark and Liam
came for supper on Sunday.
 Irene and I were classmates at St. Mary's College.
We had lunch at Donna's on Monday.
 Leanne and I went to the Art Museum
on Tuesday because there was no water
in the condo all day. This was Donna's and my 
favorite room when we were kids. Cousin
Chuck met us at the museum and we drove out
to see cousins Tommy and Patty.
On Wednesday, Chuck joined me and high school
friend Marion (Mac) and John for lunch.
That evening, Susie, David, Leanne, and I 
went out to "Aunt" Ellen's for supper. Had so
much fun (and wine) I forgot to take pictures.
Friday afternoon,  Janet, Donna, and Diane and I 
took a tour on "Lolly the Trolley" to see how much
Cleveland has changed in the past 60 years.
Friday night, I skipped the reunion cocktail party 
to have dinner with cousins
David & Susie, Leanne, and Mary Anne.
 The class reunion luncheon was on Saturday.
Joyce, Diane, Carol, and Dot and I were
West Tech cheerleaders together!
Saturday evening, cousin Beverly and I
went to an art exhibit opening for cousin
Nancy's friend. Nancy's siblings Jimmy 
and his son Jimmy, Kathleen and Ken, 
and Susan and Hardy also came with 
some of their family members.  
 On Sunday morning, I flew to Cedar Rapids to visit
Tom and Trina's family.  We were so busy, this is the only
photo I took--Caiden getting warmed up for his ball game.
We celebrated Trina and Jett's birthdays, I met their
exchange student from Germany (Nike..pronounced Nee-Kah),
and went to a homecoming parade besides keeping up with
all the kids' activities.  Caiden and I broke the bank playing
Monopoly before he "broke me" and ended up with all 
the money in the bank!
I flew back to Grand Forks on Thursday, stopped at
the farm for a few minutes, and then drove to Minot
to meet Bob (who was in Killdeer helping Jimmy) 
for the Hostfest.  We had tickets to see Charlie Pride
on Friday.  Charlie is 85 and never sat down during
his over-an-hour performance!!
Bill Florian sang with The New Christy Minstrels.
He had been to our park in Texas, and Bob saw him in Minot
when he was buying our tickets for the Hostfest.  Bill was
interviewing for a performance spot, and the lady in
charge called Bob to ask him for a recommendation.
Bill got the job!  He thanked Bob and sang a song for me. :-)
On Friday evening, we headed home and I found
this tomato in my garden.