
Saturday, October 3, 2020

October Occasions

Jimmy's hired man from South Africa
shot this photo of Bob unloading wheat
into the grain cart that Andrew operates
Bob spent a lot of time in Killdeer
helping Jimmy with harvest
I think this was at the Big Iron show
in Fargo where Jimmy and his hired men
met Bob for a day.
When Bob went back to Jimmy's
to get the camper, I finished
the bathroom wallpaper
and painted the wall and vanity.
They are supposed to be two
shades of gray (not 50). :-)
Another bathroom view...check out
the towels---made by a neighbor for me
about 20 years ago--never used them
Lots of wind lately....
this Kochia weed "tumbled" 
into my flowerbed
This shirt is from 1978....the first
year that we planted sunflowers
Trina wanted some Fritel shirts
to make a quilt.....
so I found these at Kelly's...
the kids had outgrown them :-)
The ladies at church wanted to buy
a robot vacuum, so  I ordered one
and tested it in my kitchen. 
It looks like a big bug.
The railroad has been storing cars on our track
for several years because they didn't need them.
This year they are expecting a lot of business,
so they have already pulled over 300 cars
past our farm.
Now that Andrew is 14, 
he could hunt and shot this doe.
A milestone in a young kid's life!
Bob found some plum trees on the 
east side of the garden shelterbelt.
The trees south of the garden 
had no plums this year.  This
is step 2 of jelly making!  Step 1
was washing the plums. :-)
This much from only half of the plums.
I added strawberries...yummy!
Another milestone! Jett turned
14 and now has a driver's permit.
Blue jay in the flowering crabapple tree.
Not a good pic, but we have not had blue jays
for at least ten there a big
weather change coming??
On Monday, the 12th, we went to Esmond
to get the lamb we bought from Jay B.
The butcher shop is on the right.
Heading home from Rugby on Sunday,
I ran into a "traffic jam" of cattle
Made a few of these to practice
before teaching a Lebanese kid in Rugby
Fall sunset
My new best friend :-)
Keeping Bob in stitches :-)
I put "Frosty" together again,
but then the sun came out.
20 degrees and 50 mph winds...
but I had to get the mail! :-)
Guess Who's coming to dinner?
Mullet man and friends?
Superwoman :-)
Is black a color, too?
Star Wars, Mother hen, and chick :-)
Happy Halloween!


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