A bunch of us went to see "Fiddler on the Roof"
at the Harlingen Community Theater on March 3rd.
Island to Clayton's on the north. Spring breakers
were just beginning to come south!
My friend Jane and I went to the Livestock
Show parade in Mercedes--its 85th year!
Bob went to the fairgrounds the next day.
Middle school drum corpsTexas float
Cotton harvester
South Padre Island float...the parade was a little
over an hour long. There must have been 500 horses
different groups!
I flew from Harlingen, TX, to DC
for a couple of days with Doug, Sara, RJ, and Julia.
RJ's attempt at kite flying step 1
Run and lift
Up, up, and away....
Time to study for the science test
Run and lift
Up, up, and away....
Time to study for the science test
with a little help from Julia,
Sara, and Gramma Diane.
Doug took me, Sara, and Julia
to the Amtrak station. The train
from DC to New York City goes
through six states! Virginia,
Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, and New York!!!
After a spaghetti supper at Donna's, we all went
to see the musical "Six". It was a high-energy
story presented by the six wives of Henry VIII:
"Divorced, beheaded, died: divorced,
beheaded, survived." Lots of fun and flashy!
Waiting for the subway TRAIN after "Six"
Also a full bathroom, laundry, and storage. The steps
in the background lead to the courtyard. Tom and
Jett and Caiden took the train back to Albany
after breakfast Thursday morning. Just us girls left!
of Natural History. Trina had bought a family
pass and could get six tickets a day for all
the exhibits. This is our only "trip" in a NYC taxi!
The walls were moving in this exhibit of life's origins.
The walls were moving in this exhibit of life's origins.
Later, we met Teddy in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda!
The museum is huge, and we spent most of the day there.
Gothic architecture. This was the inside
of Grace Church, an 1846 Gothic Revival
masterpiece, the first in New York City.
The architect was 23-year-old James
Renwick, Jr. He also built the Smithsonian
Castle and St. Patrick's Cathedral. The
stained glass window was from the
workshop of Clayton and Bell in 1882.
Lebanese restaurant after Susu joined us at the house.
On Friday morning, we left the house at 6 a.m.
to get in line for the Today show. We are
standing in line in the dark!
They gave us passes for the Kacey Musgraves
show, but we were behind the stage.
The girls had made signs for Ana's birthday,
and we tried to catch the picture
on the tv monitor inside the building.
She loved the signs...said she was 55! When we
realized that Claire was still across the street,
Hoda said, "Yes, where's Claire?"
Sara ran to get Claire, and managedto catch Hoda for a picture!
Afterwards, we went to Starbucks to warm up,
passing through a warm building!
Then, we started walking.
Washington Square was a gathering place
for all kinds. Claire didn't like the
smell of marijuana here.
The story of the Triangle fire.
on the overhang. When the sun shines through,
the names appear along the black plates below.

The memorial wall
of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.
The kids found some treasures at the
Strand Bookstore. The checkout clerk
saw Ana's Nu Shooz shirt and said
he loved the Nu Shooz!
Public Library.
The girls are standing in front of
The Gutenberg bible in the library.
At the Math Museum, we encountered
some puzzling activities like figuring out the loops
and solving Martin's Menace! (The staff showed me
how to put this puzzle together!)
Last stop: the wall of Legos at the Lego Store
Lego Liberty torch
Some Lego historyLego creators! After walking 16,000 steps every day,
we headed back to Donna's for pizza, spaghetti,
and more cake. The kids finished up the rice
Krispy bars and scotcharoos that I had brought.
Trina, Ari, Annika, and I hopped
on the train to Albany. Leaving NYC,
I spotted one of the bridges crossing the river.
and Tom squeezed our stuff into the back of their AUTOMOBILE.
I took a quick pic of Maria, Anni, and Ari in the back seat!
Six hours later, we arrived in Cleveland. I rented an
AUTOMOBILE at the airport and met everyone at Aladdin's
for supper before going to the condo. Cousins
Susie and Leanne met us there.
I managed to find Donna's down jacket and a pair
of gloves to offset the cold weather! After church Sunday,
I went to Houlihan's restaurant with Susie
for a St. Patrick's Day party with her friends.
Later that day, Susie made a corned beef and
cabbage meal for David, Leanne, Ellen, and me!
On Monday, I took cousins Beverly, Chuck, and
Francis to lunch at Frank's Falafel House. Then, I ran
errands and went to supper at Joe's with Susie,
Leanne, Ian, and Mary Anne. On Wednesday, I visited
Robbie, Dick, and Najwa and enjoyed lunch with them.
and gave me some "pills" to make my own!
Don't know why I didn't take any other photos
in Cleveland. Later on Wednesday, I picked up
some food and went to my friend Marion's for supper.
I stopped to see David and Susie on the way back
to the condo. Back on a PLANE...I flew back to Texas,
to ninety-degree heat, humidity and sunshine
on Thursday, in time for Bingo and a Friday hockey game
and pizza party next door at Jerry and Wendy's.
March Madness started this weekend, so I filled out
all my brackets: two with the family and one with
North Dakota Telephone company. Doug and Julia
were prepared to go to the Father-Daughter dance at St. Agnes
Elementary school, but I think they preferred basketball!
so Bob could ride his bike along the beach (too windy and
high tides) and then along the back road paralleling
the beach front. I met him at Dirty Al's, Bob loaded
up the bike, and we went to Pelican Station to eat.