
Sunday, December 11, 2022

Yikes! It's December already!


Five months young on December 2nd!
Bob's brother Jerry and Wendy arrived
in Texas on December 4th.
We live on T row.  Jerry and Wendy are in T1--white car;
We are in T2 next door--blue vehicle. The fence
is new because a tree fell on the old one this summer.
They said it was 80 degrees and humid
 and sent a picture of our winter home
Bob is in charge of the plants and decorating
in Texas---he planted these Crotons along 
our carport.
View from our picture window on December 11th. 
We are expeciting a winter storm this coming week!
Heading to Ana's on Saturday and Cleveland on Monday.
December 14th...
time to stay home
Went to Rugby today, Dec. 15th, for an eye doc appt.
Snow was piled all over town. Road was slippery
on the way in. Snowing and blowing again now!
Leaving the farm on December 17th
Viewing the sun dogs from Ana's window in Minnesota
The girls had their Christmas program 
on December 18th, and Ana was in charge
of the meal afterwards.
We saw the camel  at the Living Nativity
and a few other animals...
We enjoyed the cookies and cocoa afterwards
We watched a program about Lourdes
on Ana's TV above the fireplace.
The girls had a concert at the Community Center
before we flew to Cleveland on the 19th.
View from Donna's west window in Cleveland
Doug and Sara arrived on Thursday 
with a carload of stuff. The got in just
before the blizzard.
New game room at the condo building--a "lifesaver"
during the storm.
We played foosball, ping pong, 
and pool! 
And Julia and Doug swam in the pool, too.
Doug and RJ braved the weather
to go to the Cleveland Browns football game on the 24th.
We opened gifts on Christmas morning,
the kids searched for quarters in the wrapping paper,
and Sara took a "selfie" before they left for home.
Tom and Trina's family on Christmas
and Jimmy and Kelly's gang!
We flew from Cleveland to Texas on the 27th.
Artwork at the Harlingen airport 
made from debris found in the gulf.
Bob and Wendy are in the background waiting 
for our luggage.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Annika is 13! Now Tom and Trina
have four teenagers! Fun times. 
We had planned to go to Jimmy's on Wednesday 
after my cataract surgery, but opted to go home
because of blizzard warnings.  This is Jimmy's
deck on Thursday with a foot of snow on 
the picnic table! Glad we went home! :-)
Donna arrived in Grand Forks 
on November 19th, just in time 
for the UND hockey game.
On Sunday, the 20th, we headed to the farm, 
but stopped in Devils Lake for lunch
at "Old Main". Our view from the 
restaurant window--wild turkeys!
While we were driving to Rugby on Tuesday to shop, 
Bob spotted this buck and doe along the road.
Deer hunting season had ended on Sunday.
Lydia, Claire, Ana, and Cecelia arrived on Wednesday.
Grampa offered to pull the sleds
with the four-wheeler
The girls found a snowpile for the sleds, too!
The gang at Bob's sister Kathy's
on Thanksmas!  
Bob's brother Steve got their old snowplane working!
Nephew Jay and Steve discuss giving rides to the kids.
And off they go......
Jimmy was stealing someone's gift
Donna didn't think they'd let her
take the explosive powder on the plane!
Maureen created the best prize...
Guess Who? with family pictures!   Thanks, 
everyone for all the fun!
Bob threw a bunch of quarters into the pile
of wrapping paper, gave each kid a cup,
and counted down to begin the grab....
Grace models her toupee from the gift exchange;
Claire, Cecelia, and Lydia modeling Gramma's jammies;
Luke, getting in on the fun.
The morning after the night before...
Jimmy, Mary Kate, Andrew, Ana holding George
Cecelia, and Claire
Luke and George camel riding
After Jimmy's family headed back home
on Friday morning, Bob, Ana,
Claire, Cecelia, and Lydia 
went to Bottineau to ski. They had so
much fun, they forgot to take pictures.
Ana and the girls went back
to Minnesota on Saturday, and 
Bob, Donna, and Diane went
to Grand Forks for the UND hockey game.
Gramma Mary Fritel's tree 
brightens our Christmas every year.
52 Years on Nov. 30th.....yes, that's prime rib
on Bob 's plate!