
Friday, February 14, 2020

Heart-y Greetings for February 2020

 Super Bowl potluck at Jerry and Wendy's
Our team won!
 Puzzle from Santa
 Mosaic bench
 Mosaic sphere
 Harlingen Museum of Art
 Piano is over 100 years old
 Dolls at the museum
 Winners of the International Oak Leaf Quilt competition
#1 is in the middle; #2 on the right was created by
a woman in Bismarck, ND.  If you look with 3-D glasses, 
the red parts move; #3 on the left.
 "Pickpocket Gene" came to our park and did some magic.
He also taught us about identity theft
and actually "picked" off my watch and earrings!

Dennis, Bob, and Jerry at Boca Chica beach
Valentine's Birthday...lots of fun!
Valentine's Day dinner at Stefano's
with Charlotte, Ron, Bob, Dennis, Jerry, 
Wendy, Nancy, and Diane
Birthday cheesecake at Stefano's
After-dinner dessert at our place
 On Saturday we made kolaches..
with Wendy,
and Nancy doing all the work 
while Diane supervised.
Of course we did a "taste test" on the 15th
before heading to the La Feria Fiesta and car show.
 Cool decorations on this old heap 
 Don't think I could even get in this one
Loved this old car....

On Sunday, the 23rd we went to another 
high school production..this time in La Joya, Texas.
The kids perform all over the country
compete in their respective groups.

 The Mariachis called "Los Coyotes" recently
won the Texas championship.
"Tabasco" is the Folklorico dancing group. 
It is the longest-running Folklorico high school program
in the USA.
They did over twenty dances...
and even danced on these little boxes!
Drove past "Donna" before stopping
at the "Bar-B-Cutie" Smokehouse for supper.