Sara and the kids arrived on July 27th.
It was the last day of the State Fair,
so we went to see the horses...
and make discoveries in the Kid Space,
an introduction to the Discovery Center
that will be built in Minot.
Julia liked the robots,
making cookies,
and helping RJ pick beans in my garden.
Sara showed them that
bean leaves stick to your shirt.
RJ learned that all tillers do not have engines
like the one his other grandpa has. Our
swimming pool and camper are in the background.
like the one his other grandpa has. Our
swimming pool and camper are in the background.
Ana and the girls arrived on the 28th,
so we celebrated Grampa's birthday
a day early.
Our school closed for good at the end
of this school year. We were preparing
for the August 10th rummage sale,
so the kids came up to look around
and make some purchases.
One night they decided they would all
sleep in our pickup camper. Within an hour,
they were all back in the house! :-)
Ana and the girls left on Wednesday morning.
Bob left, too, and headed to Fargo
for the Germans from Russia Convention.
So the rest of us learned to play pickleball.
RJ and Julia had lots of practice
before Doug arrived on Wednesday night.
Sara spotted this log and "flowers"
across the road from our farm.
across the road from our farm.
(It's actually Russian thistle...a terrible weed)
We attempted a family photo
with the kids who are growing like weeds.

Bob returned on Friday, so we all headed
to Jimmy and Kelly's in Killdeer.
We explored Medora for a couple of days.
Looks like Bob was climbing the walls...
He was winning the card game
and learned to "balance" a chair.
A big crowd at the Musical had to leave
before intermission because of a lightning
storm moving in, but they offered us refunds
or tickets for another night. Doug, Sara, and kids
went back on Monday.
The theme was centered around
Teddy Roosevelt's time in Medora.
We all tried our talents at mini golf
and then had root beer floats at the Cowboy Cafe.
The "kids" went hiking, and we went back to Jimmy's
to experience 4H Achievement Days.
Andrew's Child Development project
about Luke was a winner.
We learned a lot from Matthew's shooting display.
Grace's photography earned a special ribbon, too.
Luke washed his toys and practiced pouring water :-)
Not bad for a 4-year-old.
Jimmy's hired man from South Africa
attempted to bury a water hose so we could
have water in the camper inside the shop.
(It didn't work)
Domino was not my favorite chicken
because she liked to peck moles on people's legs.
They have 30 chickens laying eggs
all over the yard! Finding the eggs is
an adventure for the kids (and Kelly).
We set up the pickleball net in Grampa Dan's shop.
All the kids and Gramma Nancy learned to play
and keep score.
On the 9th, the kids flew back to DC,
and Diane came back to the farm.
Bob stayed to help Jimmy harvest.
Diane helped at the school rummage sale
and caught up with Frans and his family.
Frans is from South Africa, worked for one
of our friends, and married one of my students.
and caught up with Frans and his family.
Frans is from South Africa, worked for one
of our friends, and married one of my students.