Our first "trek" in June was to Williston, ND,
to celebrate Aunt Phyllis's 89 1/2 birthday.
Her family wanted to celebrate in good weather
rather than "chance it" in January!
The next day we were in Killdeer to help
Kelly's grandpa celebrate his 90th.
Matthew, Kelly, both Grandpas, and Great-grandpa
were captured in this photo..4 generations!
Luke had swimming lessons, but he wouldn't
venture into the pool with the class.
He did "play" a little t-ball
Grace is "playing the field" in t-ball, too.
Matthew has a great swing...and actually hit the ball!
Grace and Luke just had practice
when we were there, but Matthew's
Little League team had a game.
Andrew mowed the lawn
while Grace "washed the dishes,"
and Luke "cleaned the kitchen."
Jimmy and Kelly's Anniversary was on the 12th,
so the kids made them "a big card." Andrew
did the large drawing
while Matthew added his artwork,
and Grace embellished the sides
and helped Luke add his smiley "toast" to Mom and Dad.
Happy 15th Jimmy and Kelly!
Gramma had to stand on the ladder
to get the entire "card" in the photo.
The Suburban was "gross" when it came back
from the field, so Matthew and Andrew
made it look like new (well, almost).
Our motel was next to the Aquatic Center in Killdeer.
It has an awesome fitness facility
and an Olympic-size pool.
Ana and the girls arrived on the 20th.
The girls are her "best" piano students.
Grampa decided we could have a parade
with his old tractors.
Claire on the John Deere; Lydia in the middle;
Cecelia on "old red."
Reenacting one of the "Dog Man" books.
After two days of cool, rainy weather,
Claire, Cecelia, and Lydia finally got into the pool.
My growing garden is in the background.
First Farkel game...the kids beat Mom (Ana),
but Gramma won in the final round.
Lydia is feeling a little better....
Claire and Cecelia dressed for church,
but Grampa went by himself.

Later that day, we headed to Lake Metigoshe
to help nephew Blaine celebrate #40!
Brad, Nicole, Blaine
Steve & Barb
The kids had a great time with this thing!
Ready? Hop on, Claire!
And away they go....
Do you think they're having fun?
You bet! Back for more...
Whee! Let's go again!
Cousins Haylee, Lydia, Kimber, Cecelia, and Claire
wait for Parker to pull them...
Steve and Barb with their grandkids
Parker, Jace, Cora, Haylee, Elliot, and Kimber
Maureen and Nicole were funnier...
trying to get their kids to smile!

On Monday, the girls made cookies.
The next day, we took the Amtrak train to Minot.
Passing time at the Amtrak station in Rugby.
Grampa met us in Minot and took us
to McDonald's for breakfast.
Then we went to the zoo.
The giraffe was inside through the tall door!
Lemurs on the bridge between their cages...
A whole bunch of "kids"
We rode the "kiddie train" around the zoo.
Crossed the Mouse river on the train and at the zoo.
After the zoo, we headed to Lake Metigoshe
where we have a camper on the Canadian
border. Found this mermaid there!
This one was at the State Park....
On the deck after swimming
Busy Friday...first, the Summer Reading Program
at the Rugby library. The goal for the entire group
of 35 kids was 10,000 pages in six weeks. Our girls
read 6,000 in the first week!
The Pierce County Fair was a big hit after the library.
"Wacky Cowboy" roller coaster

"Survivor" game...Lydia with two hula hoops!
(The real "survivor" was gramma after a week
with three sick kids and a sick grampa!)
"Farmily Feud" game
Bouncing "Frog"
Ana and the girls arrived on the 20th.
The girls are her "best" piano students.
Grampa decided we could have a parade
with his old tractors.
Claire on the John Deere; Lydia in the middle;
Cecelia on "old red."
Reenacting one of the "Dog Man" books.
After two days of cool, rainy weather,
Claire, Cecelia, and Lydia finally got into the pool.
My growing garden is in the background.
First Farkel game...the kids beat Mom (Ana),
but Gramma won in the final round.
Lydia is feeling a little better....
Claire and Cecelia dressed for church,
but Grampa went by himself.

Later that day, we headed to Lake Metigoshe
to help nephew Blaine celebrate #40!
Brad, Nicole, Blaine
Steve & Barb
The kids had a great time with this thing!
Ready? Hop on, Claire!
And away they go....
Do you think they're having fun?
You bet! Back for more...
Whee! Let's go again!
Cousins Haylee, Lydia, Kimber, Cecelia, and Claire
wait for Parker to pull them...
Steve and Barb with their grandkids
Parker, Jace, Cora, Haylee, Elliot, and Kimber
Maureen and Nicole were funnier...
trying to get their kids to smile!

On Monday, the girls made cookies.
The next day, we took the Amtrak train to Minot.
Passing time at the Amtrak station in Rugby.
Grampa met us in Minot and took us
to McDonald's for breakfast.
Then we went to the zoo.
The giraffe was inside through the tall door!
Lemurs on the bridge between their cages...
A whole bunch of "kids"
We rode the "kiddie train" around the zoo.
Crossed the Mouse river on the train and at the zoo.
where we have a camper on the Canadian
border. Found this mermaid there!
This one was at the State Park....
On the deck after swimming
Busy Friday...first, the Summer Reading Program
at the Rugby library. The goal for the entire group
of 35 kids was 10,000 pages in six weeks. Our girls
read 6,000 in the first week!
The Pierce County Fair was a big hit after the library.
"Wacky Cowboy" roller coaster

"Survivor" game...Lydia with two hula hoops!
(The real "survivor" was gramma after a week
with three sick kids and a sick grampa!)
"Farmily Feud" game
Bouncing "Frog"