
Saturday, September 6, 2014

August 21-Sept. 1 in McLean, VA

Mother and daughter

Father and son--I caught "the boys" before Doug left for a conference in Denver

I gave RJ his very first peanut butter and jelly sandwich--he even ate the crusts!

Caught Julia smiling :-) Her eyes are blue-grey like Daddy's

Chief taste-tester!

Hi everyone :-)

RJ liked the "butterfly" sandwiches, too!

Future pianist?

Had to take a "selfie" because Sara was too busy to take a picture of me with Julia

We went to the playground by the library--RJ is "flying high"

Sara and "Robot" friend

I am not sure Julia is enjoying this as much as RJ is

After pulling the wagon uphill, RJ decided to hook up his toy lawn mower instead

RJ logged in

Julia sneaked into the Mommy and RJ photo

Check the South Dakota post to compare how the "Custer" shirt fits.
She was 5 lbs. 10 oz. when she was born and is 10 lbs. 4 ounces at two months!

Doug actually saw this Welcome Home message when he got back at 2 a.m. on Saturday!

Fun in Spring Green August 5-12

Andrew hit the first pitch

He caught the first fly ball hit to him, too

I think the boys' favorite game prizes were very "pacifying"

We finished the one-mile Fun Run. Grace and I came in last!

Grace loved the sandbox at the Fun Fest

Grace displays her game prizes.  The boys each came home with about 40 prizes!

I think Kelly was tired by the end of the second day!

Jimmy and Matthew discuss the events with their co-chairman

The sandbox and the bouncy-house were favorites with the kids.

Matthew and Grace had a tee-ball game the day after Fun Fest ended.

Matthew scores!

Coach helps Grace get ready to run.

Grace makes it home!

From tee-ball to gymnastics--a real stretch